Hello world!
For the last few days, I wake up in a small and very minimalistic hotel room at the Rica Hotel (Kungsgatan, Stockholm:)). Back to reality, or the start of a new life?
Actually, this is nothing to do with work, work is just a money-maker these days, work is no longer ambition, drive, motivation....work is play, laughter and fun. Cause there are no expectations, career plans or indeed "balanced scorecards", trust me I never knew what they were anyway... These days work is a way of earning the cash for the dough:))
Will I be able to make my own dough soon? I hope so! And this dream is called Pri-Zemni hora...(Shame I am no good with installing BG on these work computers, they hardly let me log in here:))
OK! Now listen, how exciting is this...meeting more people, who, like me, dream of the Simple life, in harmony with Nature, in harmony with the Universe and ourselves. And all of this in Bulgaria. These are Bulgarian people, which makes the project 243278978978 times more interesting!!!!
I have nothing against foreigners, indeed I have lived abroad for so many years and have learnt lots from them. Different cultures have made my life more colourful and interesting, definitely!!! BUT...I want to wake up in a house in my homeland, I want my kids to speak my language and I want us all to give our country the chance of a better future. Is this too much to ask for?
Most of you reading this already know me, the ever-searching for the truth hopeless romantic, who is never too afraid to go for what the heart says. Well, maybe this was too big of a statement. I am really, really scared! But I still really try to go for it! And despite the drama and the sleepless nights spent hesitating whether to go one way or the other, the final answer of the heart seems to do it for me!
Every time! And my heart is singing, my heart can't wait to go to Shipka and meet everyone else. Eli, Asen and little Adi are also coming and who better to share this with than Tamsin...she also knows what I am talking about!
I already recognise myself in the worlds of this guy (I guess), Terramante. And I am ready to wait, if it takes us a few years, so be it (turning 30 in a few days is strangely not making me impatient in any shape or form, exactly the opposite!..)I know what I want and I am sure we, together, can make it happen!
Yes, I am bombarded with questions about money and jobs. And I know that we might have to make some compromise to start with, I might have to continue doing these amazing spreadsheets and fancy reports (again, fine with me) but in the long run, I will have the Ben Law house and my life, shared with the other angels of the Universe, the lightworkers who are going to learn how to live, again, from scratch.
This is a beautiful day, let there be light!!!!