It was a quiet evening, sometime in November, when Joro called me on Skype...I had not spoken to him for ages and suddenly here he was - searching to buy a car and drive back to Sofia...London to Sofia in a car?! Sounds amazing...
- "I am coming!!!!"
- "Where?"
- "Coming with you...Yey!!!" Crazy Nevi at her best!!!
I booked my flight to London the very next second and next thing I remember, I was meeting him for a peaceful afternoon in Camden and a big shop at Fresh & Wild.
In a few days we were leaving, in his beautiful Renault Laguna..and we had Jane to show us the way;-)(Jane is the Tomtom lady, we liked her the best..really, we got fed up with Yoda after a few left turns;-))
So, our first morning, a Friday morning it was, we set off and got the SeaFrance ferry to Calais - I must admit I was a little nervous doing the ferry and all after last year but I had so much fun. Joro made all the difference, he was really...just so relaxed...
Now thinking about our trip, there are soo, soo many things I wish to write about but I reckon I'll only mention our best moments and the most memorable ones..
Can't really forget getting into Paris, quite tired after the day, and driving into the supermarket's car park - well, Jane, this time you got it badly wrong!!! and having to pay 3 EUR just to drive through it...Works out we are not the only ones who had done this...;-)))
Week-end in Paris was cool, Alex came to visit, I met up with Hristo and Peter...Ico, I miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And then, Monday morning, bright and early, off to Munich. We stopped in Strasbourg on the way, did a quick visit into HSBC and then I was just so tired I honestly don't remember much...An 1 hour sleep at a petrol station somewhere in Germany and the Art Hotel in Munich...
What was next? The beautiful drive to Vienna, the Alpes, oh man, amazing!!!!!!!
Arriving in Vienna was great, we were in the Red Light District...again!?!??? There must be a theme with me and Red Light Districts, I don't know....But honestly, Germany and Austria were full of sex shops...Wundabaaa (or however the hell you write this is Germanski;-)))
Vienna was cold, it was raining a lot and our visit to the Castle (the Shaunbrun one, I promise never to attempt to write anything in German again...)was a little bit quick and hasty but I will never forget the wait outside the Bulgarian Embassy for Joro's pasavan.....
Yes, he forgot his ID card at Bobi's place in Paris and it was 4.55pm when he finally got his new one...(and yes, the Embassy was closing at 5pm)...Nothing unusual...
From Vienna, we were on a bit of a down..I had some issues in Budapest and when we arrived in Belgrade I was positively sick and a big pain. But OMG, Slavia hotel, ace!!!!!!! So 70s, so old style, Voya - the whole experience was surreal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday evening and we arrive at Strelbishte, I am knackered, Joro is probably pissed off but we are happy and we love each other - I just spoke to him and all is good, thank God!!!! And now onto some pictures;-)))
PS: Watch out Borissovo!!!!!
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