четвъртък, 26 февруари 2009 г.


So, my marriage to H&M is slowly but surely coming to an end!
As I promised you last week, this definitely is "развод по взаимно съгласие";-) And 110% no hard feelings!

Actually, things worked out just perfect. I feel (for the first time ever!!) I had proper, proper closure!!

Now....., "closure" is something I have never been good at, especially when talking about relationships (I mean, it is all down to relationships, really?!...., so I've never been good at it. Full stop!)

Honestly, how many times have I left things unsaid...Tell me, is it so hard to say "finished, that's all folks, finito, the end!;-) "

For me, it was. But not anymore!!!

Yeah yeah, enough of congratulating myself;-) Yes, I am happy for how things worked out but now, there is a big question in everyone's heads, a question I am being asked all the time...and a question that I seem to ask myself even more often:


PEACE!;-) Well, how can I know what's going to happen? Is it worth spending today making plans of a tomorrow that might actually never come?!

Chances are, tomorrow will come and I agree, one should have some sort of an idea of the ideal future. And trust me, I do! My dreams are just so perfect, I know 250% (you see, 250 is a verrrrry big number!!!) HOW I want things to work out. And I know WHY I want them to work out this way.

And I know they will!!!!!!!... (my work now is to continue believing and to be very careful not to wish something else;-) Then the Universe will get confused, right?!!

One day, I dream of a beautiful house in the country, with a gorgeous man and 5 beautiful and healthy kids, an eco B&B and some freelancing work to keep me going (English lessons, translating, you name it;-))......And then, I dream of spending 2 months in the Himalayas...Well, darling, you have to sort your dreams out...I'm not saying that the two cannot happen, they most probably will but not at the same time!

Talking about dualities....I'll tell you a secret, I am born right on the Spring Equinox... so for me, balance is the key in life! I find balance, I've got it all!!!

Worrying and going over calculating how much money I can make giving private lessons is just going to attract me more worry...How much money? Enough! That's how much I want!! How much is enough? Enough is enough;-))))

You know, I named this whole thing "Freelancing"...Now, thinking about it, it should probably be called "Dreams" or even better "A morning prayer"....Next time, I'll tell you about religion.

By the way, I have been watching Zeitgeist...it's good, what do you think? Thank you Joro and Tamsin;-))

And finally, something totally unrelated but I know what I am on about, talking about closure and all! [Not my favourite version but it is especially this one that has a meaning here;-))]

Love, peace and light:

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