So this morning, primarily due to lack of anything better to do, I packed my bag and headed towards Jefferis watch this...Jeferris Wing is not some fancy London sightseeing attraction, but the name of the Sexual Health Clinic at St Mary's Hospital.
This Walk-In Clinic is the closest to Sussex Gardens (or for those of you who do not know, the other name for London's Red Light District) so a visit there is always well worth it...if only for the ladies you inevitably meet.
So I get there and I go to the Main Reception - have I been there before? Yes, please;-)) Do I know where to go? Yes, please;-))) Now I sit in the Female waiting room, waiting to be called in. Every patient @ Jefferis Wing is assigned an unique ID...I'm F1203**. It is still early so not many ladies there to keep me company.
After 20 minutes or so, a very sweet Indian girl calls my number...I walk into the Consulting Room and surprise, I will be examined by 2 doctors today...2 for the price of 1, how exciting!!!

The consultation starts with an assessment of my sex history - who have I had sex with? male or female? how many partners in the last 3 months? any of them not from Western Europe? (well, yes, Bulgaria is Eastern Europe;-)), what type of sex...God, I hope Anders's daughter is not reading this!!!!....any unprotected sex? well.......
And then we come onto my favourite question...have I been tested for HIV? No, and please, I do not want to be....The other doctor, who by the way, is male and quite handsome, suddenly gets alarmed...Why do I not want to be tested for HIV? Do I think I will test positive? No, I do not think anything, I am just not ready...So, we leave this as a big question mark and something for me to consider...and I go back to the Waiting Room to wait for my Gynae exam...
Now, they are here, black, white, russian, just recognise them. Two of them are chatting and laughing. I immediately warm up to them and the feeling is reciprocated...They look at me and smile...I am just a cute girl, right?;-)Then they tell me it is always a long wait...I must have been fidgeting and looking nervous..Hell yes, I am, it is not the best feeling, I promise...
Then Dr. Big Smile calls me again, now he will examine me and feel my insides and there will be a nurse and the other female doctor watching. Niiiicee!!!!!!
Now relax, relax, take deep breaths....You are doing ever so well!! Just two more swaps, relax, that's it...nearly finished!!!
Thank God!!! Now a final wait and then I am done. When they call me for the third time, they let me know that for now, there is nothing to worry about...but there are the chlamydia and gonorea tests still to be done?!!!.........And I am again being told that I should consider being tested for HIV and Hep C..OK, I promise to think about it.
He gives me a cream that I can use if irritation occurs, all free. Long live the NHS!!!
Phewwwww, now fingers crossed for the tests to come back OK. I am left pondering on that HIV question...I wash my hands with the antiseptic cream...and i head back home...
What a wonderful morning! And tomorrow's Valentine's Day...surely, my visit this morning, love, sex...they are all interconnected!;-)
I love you
From a good girl, who today did the right thing...wait for when I brave myself and do the other one;-)
Ps: You know, I was going to write all about Stockholm and add my story to the lovely pictures I loaded the other day but the inspiration is will just have to be kept private;-)
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