събота, 31 януари 2009 г.

London - Day Three

Sushi, sushi, Nevi and some favourite sites;-))

петък, 30 януари 2009 г.

London - Day Two

Memories, memories...

How many times have I taken the bus down Finchley Road...countless!!

There's St John's Wood station and Eyre Court...One of these is my window...Grant, I had the best time living there!!!

And here comes 2 Frognal...Kremy, our party flat, meeting Alex...The O2 centre, Hamsptead, my life...

Yes, I am on the same bus no 13, sitting at the top front seats, going down Oxford Street...And then I see them, they are in a taxi, both frantically typing on their Blackberries...can you imagine them? As if their life depends on the 12312413799th e-mail for the day...I get off at Trafalgar Square and I fall in love...He is white, she is black and they are singing the funkiest jazz I've heard on the street...But I am in love with their little child, drumming and giving me the best smile ever. Thank you!!!

Then it's time to visit Mysteries, one of my favourites - an esoteric bookshop set in the heart of Covent Garden. I pass by Crocs and buy some orange flip flops;-)) Going down Shaftsbury Avenue, I see the decorations of the recently passed Chinese New Year and decide to take a picture...Finally time for a deserved rest in Starbucks, sipping my favourite Chai Tea Latte, admiring one of the many beautiful Grade II buildings on Regent Street...Could not miss Uniqlo..you will all see my new pink spring jacket...Et voila, the number 13 comes again and I head back home....

My London!!!

Woburn - Day One

Welcome to Woburn...

Set in 3,000 acres, Woburn Abbey has been the home to the Dukes of Bedford for over 300 years and is now occupied by the 15th Duke and his family.

The Deer Park is home to ten species of deer, the Red Deer and Fallow Deer which are native to Britain and eight other species which originally came from Asia..


London - Day One

29th Jan 2009

I am tooo excited! Having slept not more than 2 hours, I was picked up by Chefo early, early in the morning...He was taking me to the airport. What a drive!!!!

Thankfully, here I am again, at the aiport lounge, waiting for the pink bird to take me to London...

Alex, not having any of my "Please, I want to go home and sleep", decided to take me to Woburn...Well, it's only at Junction 13 of the M1...2 junctions north from Luton airpot...Fair enough!

We took the "Scenic route" - no wonder, see why for yourself...

A very sad story


Victor died under an avalanche in Bansko..he was 28.

"Fear causes hesitation...Hesitation causes your worst fears to come true

The ultimate rush, there is nothing that comes close to it...

There is a very thin line between life and death...

It's not tragic to die doing what you love...You want the ultimate, you've got to be willing to pay the ultimate price.."


понеделник, 26 януари 2009 г.

Пътуване в чужбина...

Като малка, любимият ми късмет от Новогодишната баница беше "пътуване в чужбина"...! После пораснах и пътуването в чужбина някакси започна да звучи странно, защото "чужбината" беше вече моят дом. И така в продължение на 10тина годинки. Освен това, пътуването по работа се превърна едва ли не в ежедневие и наистина имаше момент, в който като че ли познавах целия персонал на Старбъкс на Хитровския терминал 1 (Хитрово, както казват някои от милите ми сънародници в ОК;-)).

Добре де, от Декември 2007 живея отново в БГ. Отначало непрекъснато прескачах до Лондон, но напоследък започвам да се чувствам все повече отново "у дома". И тези пътувания в чужбина започват да ми се струват все по-вълнуващи...Ех, тези ш,щ,я,ч,ц,ю...не ги знам къде са и ми е много трудно да пиша...?!?!!!

След няколко дни се каня да се кача на самолетчето и да отскоча до Лондон...Сашенце, идвам!!! Току виж съм се организирала и за една бърза визита до Стокхолм. Да видим! Че нещо се опитвам да се разболея....засега не се давам, но дано да ми мине бързо, бързо!!!

Been there, done that! Когато ходихме с Хедър до Русия бях по-зле...май всичко е до самоконтрол и съзнание!!

Та за чужбината, чудя се какво ще е това, дето да ми даде стимул да се върна обратно в БГ...понякога ми се струва, че си отивам обратно вкъщи, обратно в Лондон. В София е моето семейство, но за него всички знаем....Апартаментът в Стрелбище все още ми се струва като склад, а за приятелите, всеки има свой живот. Моят къде е?

Преди 2-3 дни през главата ми минаваха какви ли не мисли, миналата седмица започна с Митко и Карибите...Таити, here we come! После се замислих колко хубаво може да бъде и тук...колко лесно, истинско и много, много сладко...Е, сладко е де! Аз си знам за какво говоря...А сега защо искам да замина и да не се върна, ей така да поостана някъде там, там, където искам да бъда...Париж, Ница, Лондон?!...

Все ми се въртят някакви слънчеви места...че то и тук днес не спря да грее...All in all, май ако грее в сърчицето, където и да си е "у дома", а в чужбина хич не ти се ходи...

Грей слънчице, грей!!

Обичам те;-)

неделя, 25 януари 2009 г.

Sunday afternoon in the park, a week on


Are we going to Peri's house or not?;-)

събота, 24 януари 2009 г.

This is turning into a video blog;-)



петък, 23 януари 2009 г.

Un petit cafe;-)



четвъртък, 22 януари 2009 г.


So, I am a natural born mystic...so far so good! This, however, means that the whole responsibility lies on my shoulders. It is the easiest to blame other people for how we feel. Unfortunately, we and only we create our destiny!

And this is exactly what mysticism is all about. The powers of manifestations are within me..and the control over my thoughts is the key to spiritual awakening, to the world where optimism is my only friend, where I wake up and go to bed feeling positive, feeling good...Hello world!!!

So what if I have negative thoughts? What if I feel inferior, upset, sad? What do I do then? How do I turn a challenging situation, even death, torture, tears into something good?

God, if only I knew!! Constant repetition of some positive mantras is driving me crazy...and it is so easy for old habits to come up on the surface and try to bring me down with them. Their world is beautiful, in the ego-land, I never have to take responsibility for myself - it is always someone else's fault, the ego is so very creative in seeking attention, manipulating and thus, feeling better..

Not this time! A challenge is here to help me grow and I can just look into the direction of love. True and pure love, with no expectations, labels or domination.

I am love. We all are. Smiling blissfully at the world. This morning I could not even see beyond the bare facts. Now I look up and the sun is shining;-)

Let is be love!

PS: I love you;-) My cheek is still hurting badly, badly, only to remind me!!!

Astrology and Kabbalah 2

You enjoy meeting people from all walks of life and have a way of understanding diverse points of view. You are drawn to fields such as journalism, writing, and broadcasting. Whichever career you choose, you will try to use your position as a platform to expound your own point of view. You may also fight for unpopular causes. Try to be diplomatic so that you can keep your job and communicate your strong opinions and beliefs in the most effective way possible.

You have the rare gift to be able to be organized in the midst of difficult, chaotic and tense situations. As a matter of fact, you seem to perform even better when times are tough than you do when things are proceeding smoothly. Your ability to blend innovation in a structured and disciplined manner makes you an ideal teacher.

Astrology and Kabbalah

Just take care that someone else’s personality does not dominate you in such a way that you cannot grow and express your own self.

It is important to balance your need for outer-world- accomplishments with care for your inner self. Also, take great care not to lose sight of the needs of your loved ones.

Drama is your mantra. Perceiving life as a game with high stakes, you are just as passionate when you win as when you lose.

You are devoted to your ideals and beliefs, and will play the game to the end, displaying your boundless enthusiasm no matter what the outcome. You despise static, unchanging and unyielding situations, and will put forth your best efforts to change them. With your courage, energy and dramatic flair, you can be an effective leader, and will be the first in line to explore uncharted regions.

Your tendency to act first and think later, however, may lead others to accuse you of insensitivity. Learn to be more aware of others’ feelings. Realize that your actions affect others’ lives in ways that you may not have considered. Remember to develop sensitivity and appraise situations intellectually before you act with your heart.

When the situation demands that you change in order to move forward, you can adapt and transform yourself with ease. You are not necessarily the pioneering type, but if change must happen, it is natural for you to glide along with the flow. At times, though, you feel that you are at the mercy of forces beyond your control, and are constantly being blown from pole to pole. This may make you feel nervous and anxious, but like everything else in your life, this, too, will pass.

You are primarily concerned with providing a strong and secure foundation for yourself and for your loved ones. You prefer to work behind the scenes, letting others reap the glory. Your home and your family will be more important to you than the outer trappings of a successful career — indeed you would be happiest working in or near your home.

If you count to ten, (or even to a hundred) before making an important decision, the mood will pass so you can see to the truth of things.

You tend to seek emotional security outside yourself, and look for it instead in a significant other. You expect this person to provide all the comfort and emotional support that you need. Without this important relationship, you tend to feel lost, alone and alienated, but within it you are self-confident and assured. Be careful that neither you nor your partner become overly possessive and jealous of time spent away from the other.

Usually your thoughts and ideas are interesting enough to hold the attention of others, but you have to learn to become as good a listener as you are a talker. Don’t try to hog the whole conversation all the time, or you will drive people away from you, which is the opposite of what you intend. Take a breath once in a while, and let others talk. You will be surprised to find that they are almost as interesting as you are.

Generally speaking, you have an abundance of energy that makes you buoyantly optimistic. You also have an innate sense of good timing so that when you do take action, something positive and beneficial seems to occur. Others call you lucky, but it’s not that — your upbeat, far-sighted attitude puts you in the right place at the right time and allows you to do whatever is necessary to seize the moment. You may have good athletic skills, but you also definitely have leadership potential.

You have a high level of energy, and it is rarely under control. You should be prepared at all times to face the unexpected, because the only thing that you can be sure of is that the unexpected will occur. Your daredevil, eccentric approach to life makes accidents (both of the physical and psychological variety) likely because you tend not to follow the dictates of common sense. Your natural rebelliousness pushes you to choose the more dangerous road, so remember to keep your seat belt buckled.

But often your deep-seated fears and anxieties seem to take control of your life and run it. When this happens, professional counseling may help you discriminate between what is real and concrete and what is imaginary and illusory, and can restore your ability to function in the world.

вторник, 20 януари 2009 г.


Днес имам много поводи за размисъл, но май ще поразсъждавам върху копнежа на повечето от нас да бъдат обичани...

"Имам нужда от прегръдка" - думички написани в Скайп, по-силни от хиляди любовни обяснения..Колко много може да означава една прегръдка!..да се сгушиш в любимия човек, да почувстваш как бие сърцето му и колко много, много те обича!

Очите на Ани и Пешо (този път не казвам кои сте, вие си знаете)приказно премигват, той е нервен от предстоящата му среща с едно непознато момиче, а тя отново Го видя..Него, Той!

Вълшебно е да се събуждаш до него (е, все пак съм момиченце), да го целуваш и да се усмихваш глупаво, нали? Вълшебно е да си влюбен!

Вълшебно е и да се усмихваш на света и на чудесата му, но светът винаги е по-шарен и красив, когато си влюбен...или не мислиш така?

Мдааа, понякога ми се струва, че съм се объркала и любовта всъщност не е най-прекрасното неописуемо чувство, а някакъв си сложен алгоритъм - уравнение с безброй параметри - кой каква работа имал, колко пари печелел, коя зодия, колко кила?!?!!! . Но не!!! Аз и любовта, ние с нея добре се познаваме, другите просто не са я срещнали, това е! Или пък са се уплашили от красотата и силата и? Не знам, а и хич не искам;-)

И когато ти се обадя, за да ти кажа, че те обичам, значи е така;-р

А приятните изненади винаги са добре дошли! Хайде на моторааа;-)))

Колко ли бебчета ще има скоро?;-))

Обичам те!!

Авторски права: Кинг ъф Сороу...знаеш кой си;-)

Днес умът ми прескача от едно на второ, на трето, та чак до Сървайвър..;-)

" Хайде да си направим къщичка в Южния парк..." Еми хайде!!

И това..

Открий приликата...



неделя, 18 януари 2009 г.

От Тони


Един неделен следобед в Южния парк